RCGP Safeguarding toolkit

Part 5: Information Sharing and multiagency working

When should we share information?

There are two broad safeguarding-specific scenarios in general practice which will prompt consideration of sharing information:

  1. When we in general practice have a concern that a child or adult, has experienced, or is at risk of experiencing, abuse or neglect e.g. seeking advice from a safeguarding professional or making a safeguarding referral.

  2. When other professionals or agencies, such as a health visitor or social care, have a safeguarding concern about an adult or child, they share that concern with general practice, and request information from general practice as part of the safeguarding process, e.g. social care request a report for a child protection conference.

There are other scenarios where information sharing is also needed within the broad scope of safeguarding, for example:

  • court orders, such as requests for medical records as part of a family court process
  • requests for completion of medicals and forms for prospective foster carers/adoptive parents
  • requests for information as part of the health assessments for Looked After Children.