Dermatology toolkit

National reports and information for commissioners

1. Dermatology high level service reviews

2. Service Guidance and Quality Standards

3. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Quality Standards

4. National Dermatology Audit standards and reports from the British Association of Dermatologists

5. Cochrane special collection on skin cancer diagnosis

A collection of the evidence for the accuracy of diagnostic tests for all types of skin cancer. 

6. NHS England Elective Care Transformation Programme: Transforming Dermatology elective care services, a handbook for local health and care systems 2019 (PDF) 

7. Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group Dermoscopy project 2016

8. Evaluation of a Community Dermatology Pilot (Solihull pilot at GPS Healthcare) and NHS Savings 2017-18 (PDF)

9. Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) case study: Transformation of the routine management of dermatology cases (PDF)

10. Dermatology Structured referral forms (PDF)

may be used subject to local evaluation and adaptation to support secondary care referrals/e-mail advice (designed by Dr Emma Le Roux).