Resources for Secure Environments

Introductory resources

In this section, there are resources to support clinicians navigating the challenges of safe equitable healthcare provision in secure settings. Further topics will be published over the coming months.


Prescribing in secure environments can be challenging due to the complexity of patient needs, the structural and operational limits of secure environments and the risks to the individual and the wider prison population associated with abuse and diversion of prescribed medicines and other illicit substances. This 'Top Tips for Safer Prescribing in Prisons', document has been written as a short accompaniment to the RCGP SEG Safer Prescribing in Prisons, 2nd Edition, January 2019. There are also links to further prescribing resources to equip clinicians for the challenge of prescribing in the secure context.

Healthcare staff starting out in prisons

Providing healthcare in secure environments is rewarding and demanding work. Primary care, substance misuse and mental health teams, along with other health professionals, have the opportunity to work together to provide integrated care for people, many of whom have complex needs. This 'Top tips for healthcare staff starting out in prisons' document gives an introduction to working in this different context.

GPs working in immigration removal centres

People detained in immigration removal centres (IRC) in the UK are not prisoners. They have been administratively detained by the Home Office rather than their detention being ordered by a judge. While many persons may be foreign nationals who have just finished a prison sentence in the UK, the majority will be people who have either entered the UK irregularly or who no longer have the right to remain in the UK. This 'Top tips for GPs Working in Immigration Removal Centres' document provides some tips for GPs working in IRCs.