Resources for Secure Environments

Learning and Intellectual Disabilities in Secure Environments

Medication and learning disabilities

PHE: Pharmacy and people with learning disabilities: making reasonable adjustments to services (2017) PHE publications gateway number 2017086HTML

This guidance is useful for pharmacy teams working on site in secure environments and for community pharmacy providers contracted to provide services in secure environments. It includes summarised points for consideration including adjustments to make that will enhance management and monitoring of medicines for people with LD, links to resources provided by RPS and CPPE and case studies with examples of reasonable adjustments.

Image of a thinking bubble with bullet points showing medicines management and pharmacy team discussion

NHS England (2017) Stopping over-medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both (STOMP)

This publication was written to highlight the importance of identifying and reviewing people with learning disability or autism who are prescribed antipsychotic medication in order to reduce and stop inappropriate prescribing for challenging behaviour. It provides an algorithm for review and reduction of antipsychotics, suggestions for practices, examples of practice-wide approaches and individual case studies.

Image of a thinking bubble showing bullet points for practice development and audit considerations

Further resources