Discussing antibiotics with patients

Finding the right words

Tweaking sentences or adding short statements to your explanations can present information in a way that is most helpful for patients. The CHESTSSS acronym below is a quick way to help remind you what to tweak in your discussions with patients about antibiotics.

For example, specifically telling a patient the usual duration of cough (21 days) can be especially helpful in addressing patient expectations of when they will likely feel better. This is more convincing for patients than saying symptoms will get better in "a few days".

The CHESTSSS acronym below was developed and tested in a randomised-controlled trial which resulted in improved antibiotic prescribing and patient satisfaction when used by experienced GPs in the UK. CHESTSSS presents specific communication techniques. These techniques have been developed based on patient expectations and needs specific to antibiotic discussions.

CHESTSSS can help you to remember specific phrases which:

  • reassure patients
  • increase patient understanding and satisfaction with a prescribing decision
  • avoid re-consultations
  • may be particularly helpful for patients who are expecting antibiotics.
C Concerns
H History & exam
E Expectations
S Symptoms
T Timeline
S Shortcomings
S Self-Care
S Safety-Netting