Learning resources for prescribers

Other useful training not produced by TARGET

STAR: Stemming the Tide of Antibiotic Resistance: Developed by Cardiff University, this eModule  focuses on antibiotic resistance (and its link with practice prescribing) and practical techniques for improving consultations for common infections.

Antimicrobial Stewardship: Managing Antibiotic Resistance, developed by BSAC and the University of Dundee. Understand antibiotic resistance, and how antimicrobial stewardship can slow down or reduce it, with this free online course.

Health Education England

Reducing Antimicrobial Resistance developed to support all health and social care staff understands the threats posed by antimicrobial resistance and ways they can help to tackle it.

NICE/BMJ learning

NICE has developed a series of FREE open access online education tools in collaboration with BMJ Learning. The Toolkit also supports the recommendations made in the NICE Antimicrobial stewardship: systems and processes for effective antimicrobial medicine use guidelines, published August 2015. It also supports the Antimicrobial stewardship NICE quality standard, published April 2016.

Feverish illness in young children

Feverish illness in young children: a guide for paediatric practitioners

Meningococcal disease in children: diagnosis and management in primary care
