Mental health toolkit

Eating disorders


NICE Guideline [NG69] – Eating disorders: recognition and management (updated 2020) - This guideline covers assessment, treatment and monitoring of children, young people and adults with eating disorders. It covers anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder and bulimia.

NICE Quality Standard [QS175] – Eating disorders (2018) - This quality standard covers assessment, treatment, monitoring and care for children, young people and adults with an eating disorder.

Royal College of Psychiatrists – MARSIPAN: Management of Really Sick Patients with Anorexia Nervosa: College Report 189 (2014) - MaRSiPAN was created to support clinicians to identify and manage physical health risk when assessing people with eating disorders. Management in primary care is mentioned on page 16 and the sit up-squat-stand (SUSS) test is explained on page 35.

Royal College of Psychiatrists – Junior MARSIPAN: Management of Really Sick Patients under 18 with Anorexia Nervosa: College Report 168 (2012) - The Junior MARSIPAN report provides guidance on risk assessment, physical examination and associated action, including a helpful table on worrying parameters on pages 16-19.

SIGN – Eating Disorders (2021) - Currently (2022) in draft format for consultation, this new guideline is for the range of eating disorders – detection and management.

Useful resources

Hub of Hope - A directory of local services for support with a wide variety of mental health and related issues.

South London and Maudsley – A guide to the medical risk assessment for eating disorders (2009) - Although from 2009, this is a short guide on the assessment of medical risk for patients with eating disorders, and the audience includes primary care.

Young Minds – Anorexia: A guide for young people - This online guide has information for people who think they may be suffering from anorexia nervosa. There is also a link to a guide for parents.

Patient and carer information

Anorexia & Bulimia Care - This charity provides ongoing care, emotional support and practical guidance for anyone affected by eating disorders and eating distress. There are 1:1 support calls, online support groups and other support services for those struggling personally, their family, carers and friends.

Beat Eating Disorders - This website offers information, peer support and links to help for people with eating disorders and their carers.

Royal College of Psychiatrists - Information for patients, carers, family and friends relating to mental health problems and disorders.

Young Minds - This online guide has information for people who think they may be suffering from anorexia nervosa. There is also a link to a guide for parents. A similar guide on bulimia is also available.

Further information and reading

Consider Eating Disorders in Men - An animated training tool for GPs providing key information and help around eating disorders in men, relevant to daily practice.

Guidelines in Practice – Top Tips: Eating Disorders (2019) - 10 top tips for general practice on the role of GPs in managing eating disorders, including signs to look out for, the right questions to ask, and the need for referral.

Guidelines in Practice – Recognise and Support Patients with Eating Disorders (2021) - This article discusses the role of primary care in assessing and monitoring patients who present with symptoms and risk factors for eating disorders.

Healthy London Partnership – Eating Disorders Guidelines for Primary Care  - Created in London, this informative infographic applies elsewhere and has clear information on how to manage and support children and young people with a suspected eating disorder. It includes when to suspect it, physical measurements that are needed and red flags.

RCGP eLearning module – Eating disorders - This course explores the range of eating disorders and how patients affected by them may present to their GP. It offers practical advice to enable clinicians to assess, manage and monitor such patients and know when to refer and when to be concerned.

World Health Organisation – International Classification of Disease (ICD-11) – Feeding or Eating Disorders - Criteria for the diagnosis of eating disorders, and how they are separate from feeding disorders.