GP online services toolkit

Clinical exemplars

1: Diabetes mellitus

The resources in this section are for GPs and practice nurses who help patients make decisions about their diabetes, especially practice nurses working in diabetes clinics, but the principles can be applied to many long-term conditions. It covers the use of Patient Online record access to enable patients to:

  • use laboratory results and other coded data that is relevant to their diabetes to monitor the impact of their self-care and adherence to treatment
  • use the information to help decide what matters most to them and prepare for consultations
  • review and contribute to their diabetes care plan.

The guidance and resources are meant for GPs and practice nurses caring for patients with all types of diabetes mellitus to help you offer your patients online access to their record safely and confidently. They describe how access to GP online services contributes to providing person-centred care to patients with diabetes. It presents the case for recommending online record access to patients with diabetes and gives advice about how the practice can help patients use it to prepare for consultations and improve their ability to self-manage their condition.

RCGP resources