Learning resources for prescribers

The following free resources for prescribers’ personal learning aim to provide up to date information and an evidence base to support optimal antibiotic prescribing. They will also help you to meet Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and revalidation
requirements. For resources to help train others, visit the TARGET Tools to Train Prescribers.
Version 1.0, November 2021.
Please note the content of these webinars are accurate at the time of the event and are not reviewed for changes to guidance. Our clinical scenario slides are subject to evidence reviews and updated.
Patient perceptions of infections and antibiotics: insights from national surveys
Management of urinary tract infections
RCGP/UKHSA TARGET webinar: Applying diagnostic and prescribing guidance of urinary tract infections in practice
- Urinary tract infections: Applying diagnostic and prescribing guidance in practice (4,314 KB, PDF)
- Urinary tract infections: Applying diagnostic and prescribing guidance in practice - notes (4,344 KB, PDF)
- Urinary tract infections: Applying diagnostic and prescribing guidance in practice (14,407 KB PPTX)
TARGET Urinary Tract Infection Webinar – Panel Questions (63 KB, DOC)
Management of respiratory tract infections
*17 July 2024 – please note that the acute cough content in the webinar slides was updated to ensure alignment with NICE prescribing guidance.
RCGP/UKHSA TARGET webinar: Improving antibiotic management of respiratory tract infections
- Improving antibiotic management of respiratory tract infections: acute cough and sore throat V1.1 (3.2MB, PDF)
- Improving antibiotic management of respiratory tract infections: acute cough and sore throat V1.1 - notes (2.1MB, PDF)
- Improving antibiotic management of respiratory tract infections: acute cough and sore throat V1.1 (PPTX)
- Respiratory tract infections Q&A V1 (68KB, DOC)
Acne and COPD exacerbation
- Reviewing antibiotic prescribing for patients with Acne andCOPD exacerbations (2,826KB, PDF)
- Reviewing antibiotic prescribing for patients with Acne andCOPD exacerbations - with notes (3,788KB, PDF)
- TARGET acne and COPD webinar slides (PPTX)
- Acne and COPD Q&A V1 (67KB, DOC)
Audits as an antimicrobial stewardship tool
RCGP/UKHSA TARGET webinar: Audits as an antimicrobial stewardship tool
- Audits as an antimicrobial stewardship tool (PDF)
- Audits as an antimicrobial stewardship tool - with notes (PDF)
- Audits as an antimicrobial stewardship tool (PPTX)
- Audit webinar FAQ sheet (DOCX)
Skin infections: Incorporating NICE antimicrobial prescribing guidelines
This webinar summarises the latest research and guidance on impetigo, leg ulcer, and cellulitis whilst using clinical scenarios to improve prescribers' confidence and ability to identify and mange common skin infections in primary care.
RCGP/UKHSA TARGET webinar: Skin infections - Incorporating NICE antimicrobial prescribing guidelines
- Skin infections: Incorporating NICE antimicrobial prescribing guidelines (PDF)
- Skin infections: Incorporating NICE antimicrobial prescribing guidelines - with notes (PDF)
- Skin infections: Incorporating NICE antimicrobial prescribing guidelines (PPTX)
- Skin infections webinar Q&A sheet (DOCX)
Overcoming Difficulties Discussing Antibiotics Webinars
See the Overcoming Difficulties Discussing Antibiotics website section for information on the topics covered in these webinars.
"Do I need antibiotics?" - discussing antibiotic use with patients
- "Do I need antibiotics?" - discussing antibiotic use with patients (3,212 KB PDF)
- "Do I need antibiotics?" - discussing antibiotic use with patients (PPTX)
Back-up/delayed antibiotic prescriptions: why and how to use them in primary care settings
- Back-up/delayed antibiotic prescriptions: why and how to use them in primary care settings (897 KB PDF)
- Back-up/delayed antibiotic prescriptions: why and how to use them in primary care settings (PPTX)
TARGET Remote Prescribing Webinars
- Part 1 - Common infections in extraordinary times: decision points for remote management
This presentation looks into the remote consultation during COVID-19 and aims to helps prescribers identify key decision points for remote management of common infections e.g. ears nose and throat (ENT), urinary, cough, COVID-19, insect bites (November 2020). Dr Tessa Lewis discusses key decision points for the remote management of common infections and who is most likely to benefit.
- TARGET Remote consultation webinar v4, part 1 (PDF)
- TARGET Remote consultation webinar v4, part 1 (PPTX)
- Part 2 - Using national antibiotic resources to help improve antibiotic prescribing
Professor Cliodna McNulty discusses how and why antibiotics are used and the link between antibiotic use and resistance in patients.
TARGET Remote consultation webinar v4, part 2 (PDF)
TARGET Remote consultation webinar v4, part 2 (PPTX)
TARGET Antibiotic Webinar Series
This series of 7 TARGET Antibiotics webinars, available as un-facilitated learning courses, highlights simple key actions to help improve your antibiotic prescribing whilst improving the patient experience and their self-care, therefore freeing up your time.