Discussing antibiotics with patients

Additional webinars and training links

Overcoming Difficulties Discussing Antibiotics webinars

See the Overcoming Difficulties Discussing Antibiotics website section for information on the topics covered in these webinars.

"Do I need antibiotics?" - discussing antibiotic use with patients

Back-up/delayed antibiotic prescriptions: why and how to use them in primary care settings

TARGET Antibiotics Prescribing in Primary Care e-Learning

Videos from our free online course, ‘TARGET Antibiotics - Prescribing in Primary Care’. It can be helpful to see how other prescribers fit discussing antibiotics into their consultations. Click on the videos below to see a GP (Dr Nick Francis) discussing and using this approach.

Dr Francis

Dr Francis introduces the topic of managing patient expectations and highlights the importance of not making assumptions about what patients want (2:36 min)

How to bring concerns to the forefront of the consultation and ask about views on taking antibiotics (3:31 min)

Dr Francis discusses approaches that may work with patients to identify their concerns and also ask their thoughts on antibiotics (2:04 min)

How to discuss why antibiotics may not be useful for the patient, explain self-help measures that will assist recovery, and use a leaflet interactively to reinforce key messages (5:32 min)

Below are two (2 minute) videos of Prof. Paul Little (GP & Professor of Primary Care) using the DESCARTE study to explain the benefits of back-up/delayed antibiotic prescriptions.

Image of a video explaining does delayed prescribing prevent complications and reconsultations

Addressing concerns and benefits related to complications and re-consultations (2:55 min)

Addressing concerns and benefits related to patients’ use of antibiotics and self-management (2:35 min)