
  1. It is well worth reading Becky Malby’s managing demand blogs to consider some ideas about potential ways of reducing demand other than by using skill mix:
  1. Other useful ideas come from the Wessex primary care report 2017 from the Academic Health Services network:
  1. National Data England - GP data shows numbers and details of GPs, Nurses, Direct Patient Care and Admin/Non-Clinical staff working in General Practice in England, along with information on their practices, staff, patients, and the services they provide:
  1. The Wessex Primary Care Project provides workforce planning tools in their 2017 report:
  1. Royal Pharmaceutical Society:
  1. Royal College of Physicians
  1. The Bradford Effective Multidisciplinary Teams Development Tool, which includes sections on defining clarity of purpose.
  1. Technology Enabled Care Services, which provides research and evidence on TECS and the impact it had on patient outcomes and cost-effectiveness
  1. The King's Fund
  1. Skills for Health