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Inclusion health is a service, research, and policy agenda that seeks to address health inequalities among groups of patients who experience social exclusion. Some of these patients will have multiple risk factors for poor health, such as poverty, violence and complex trauma, and/or will have experienced stigma and discrimination. This can lead to poor health outcomes. This module will help you to understand what inclusion health is, the factors that cause exclusion, and the practical actions that you and your practice can take to improve care for these patients. Much of the module is based on the public health document ‘Inclusion Health: applying All Our Health’, a link to which is in the references section.

An educational grant was received from NHS England and Improvement (NHSEI) for the production of the course. Editorial and content decisions were made solely by the RCGP.

Curriculum: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Time to complete this course: 30 minutes
Date of publication: 14 October 2022
Mode: Course
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