By viewing/listening to the content of this screencast you are able to learn more about the eLearning courses provided by the RCGP on a variety of important primary care topics. Each screencast provides additional insight into the topic being discussed through the commentary provided by GPs, who has extensive knowledge within the field.

The most recent EKU Screencast is shown below however, you can access other the EKU Screencasts by clicking the down arrow in the top left hand corner of the screencast below.

In addition to the EKU Programme Screencasts, the RCGP also provide Five Minutes to Change Your Practice screencasts (log in required) which offer five minute, bite sized presentations that will take a current topic – often debated in the popular press and therefore familiar to patients – and provide you a number of ideas on how to change your practice and improve patient outcomes.

Screencast Feedback

We greatly appreciate all of the feedback we receive for our eLearning resources. If you have any comments you would like to share with us about our Screencasts please complete our short feedback form.

Last modified: Thursday, 14 March 2024, 10:13 AM