Image of 3 blood vials on results sheet

This is a 30 minute course on glycogen storage disorders (GSDs) consisting of two 15 minute modules. The first will concentrate on hepatic GSDs and the second on muscle GSDs. The aim of this course is to raise awareness of the condition among GPs and to support GPs who have a patient with one of these very rare diseases. We will cover presentation, initial investigation, diagnosis and management including the role of specialist centres.

An educational grant was received by The Association for Glycogen Storage Disease for the production of the course. Editorial and content decisions were made solely by the RCGP.

Curriculum: Metabolic Problems and Endocrinology
Time to complete this course: 30 minutes
Date of publication: 15 April 2018
Reviewed and updated: 13 June 2024
Mode: Course
Podcast icon: No
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