Image showing mother breastfeeding infant
Time to complete this course:
30 minutes
0.5 CPD Credits*

*This course is 30 minutes in duration, worth a minimum of 0.5 credits.  You are encouraged to reflect on any impact that this module has had on your practice and claim the actual time to complete and reflect on the course for your CPD log.

Date of publication:
August 2018
Reviewed and updated:
April 2021

Exclusive breastfeeding for six months is recommended by all major health organisations (NHS, WHO/UNICEF, AAP). Breastfeeding practice in the UK falls far short of this target, with the majority of babies being fed formula milk by the age of six weeks, and only 1% achieving the WHO target of being exclusively breast-fed at six months, with negative impact on the health of mothers and babies. The input of a breastfeeding counsellor or support group is vital to resolving many problems but we hope that a well-educated GP might be able to offer some advice that will encourage a woman to continue breastfeeding and access the support that she needs.

This course was funded by the RCGP eLearning department.

RCGP Learning

Curriculum: Children and Young People
Time to complete this course: 30 minutes
Date of publication: 15 August 2018
Reviewed and updated: 15 April 2021
Mode: Course
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