Date of publication: January 2024
This is a recording of a live full-day conference that took place on 18 January 2024. This recording will be available to view until 2 October 2024.
This is the first in a 2-part series of FREE-to-member one-day conferences addressing clinical issues arising from health inequalities and demonstrating how GPs can positively influence health inequalities as practitioners and community leaders.
This programme was put together by RCGP Officers, Faculty Education Leads and expert speakers, who are participating throughout the day and will include examples of best practice, relevant guidance and links to useful resources.
Areas covered:
- Incorporating health inequalities into training portfolios
- Migrant health and asylum seekers in hotels
- Black women with period issues or fertility concerns
- Health in gypsy and traveller communities
- Language discrimination
- Ramadan clinical management
- Trans health
- Social prescribing as a tool for tackling health inequalities
- Mental health
- Improving the health and well-being for communities in deprived areas