End of life and palliative care toolkit
Toolkit for healthcare professionals to support patients nearing the end of life to live well until they die.
Following the phasing out of the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) in 2014, new guidance for approaching a dying person was issued by the Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People. The current guidelines make the dying person the focus of care in the last few days and hours of life and exemplify the high-level outcomes that must be delivered for every dying person. The way in which care varies is relative to the holistic needs of the individual, and the setting in which they are being cared for.
Developed in partnership with the Clinical Innovation and Research Centre, the guidance and resources within the End of Life and Palliative Care toolkit reflect current guidelines, and provide a toolkit that general practitioners may refer to when working with a patient who is nearing the end of their life.
- The RCGP Position Statement on Palliative and End of Life Care
- Public Health England’s National End of Life Care Intelligence Network for commissioning information
- RCGP commissioning guidance in end of life care (1.8 MB PDF)
- Shaping bereavement care specific to Scotland
- Data from National End of Life Care Intelligence Network
- PHE Fingertips comparative information presented for each Government Office Region, Strategic Clinical Network, clinical commissioning group and upper and lower tier local authorities