Sepsis toolkit
Provides a collection of tools, knowledge, and current guidance to support the identifying and appropriate management of patients with sepsis.
Clinical resources and guidance for practices
The Sepsis Trust has created a range of resources to support clinicians in delivering the NICE guidelines. Similarly, GP clinical systems are being equipped to support clinicians by including the physiological values considered abnormal in the NICE Sepsis Guidelines.
NICE Guidance
- Sepsis: recognition, diagnosis, and early management (NICE CG51) National institute for Health and Care Excellence (2016)
- NICE Quality Standard QS161
- NHS England Sepsis Guidance Implementation Advice
- Fever under 5 Guidance
- Nice Guidance Meningococcal Septicaemia in under 16’s
Further Guidance
Sepsis Trust decision support tools
The following resources are based upon the NICE Sepsis Guidance CG51
- GP Paediatric Sepsis Decision Support Tool (Under 5)
- GP Paediatric Sepsis Decision Support Tool (Aged 5-11)
- GP toolkit for Adults and young people aged 12 and over
- Other resources including advice on pregnancy and OOH triage can also be found on the Sepsis Trust website
Top Tips for GPs and primary healthcare professionals
The top tips list was produced by participants at the RCGP Sepsis London workshop in November 2016.
Background information
National Early Warning Scoring system. Suggested by NCEPOD Report and others for potential use in General Practice, this has the value of providing a baseline recording of physiological variables and communicating risk and concern to secondary care colleague regarding sick adults. Its use as a screening tool in Primary Care is not established.
A Free NEWS 2 calculator can be downloaded on apple and android, which can consider hypercapnia both on and off supplemental oxygen
GP Clinical Systems
It is noted that all GP clinical systems have aide memoire and templates for the recording of physiology useful in the documentation patients who are unwell with infection. Although there has been no formal college input to the construction of these it is advised that clinicians consider use them. Their use is important not only in documenting the severely unwell with sepsis but also when recording when the signs of sepsis were absent, and that appropriate safety netting has been given.
Ultimately it is hoped that these systems will also support the production of early warning scores, admission leaflets and patient / parent advice leaflets.
Quality Improvement
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