For references and further reading materials, see below:
Aucott J, Yang T, Yoon I et al. Risk of post-treatment Lyme disease in patients with ideally-treated early Lyme disease: A prospective cohort study. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. March 2022; 116:230-237
British National Formulary. Lyme disease.
Cruickshank M, O’Flynn N, Faust S N. Lyme disease: summary of NICE guidance BMJ 2018; 361:k1261
Delong AK, Blossom B, Maloney EL et al. Antibiotic retreatment of Lyme disease in patients with persistent symptoms: a biostatistical review of randomized, placebo-controlled, clinical trials. Contemp Clin Trials. 2012 Nov;33(6):1132-42
Embers ME, Barthold SW, Borda JT et al. Persistence of Borrelia burgdorferi in rhesus macaques following antibiotic treatment of disseminated infection. PLoS One. 2012;7(1):e29914
Fallon BA, Petkova E, Keilp JG, Britton CB. A reappraisal of the u.s. Clinical trials of post-treatment lyme disease syndrome. Open Neurol J. 2012;6:79-87
Kullberg B J, Vrijmoeth H D, van de Schoor F et al. Lyme borreliosis: diagnosis and management BMJ 2020; 369:m1041
Mavin S, Guntupalli S, Robb M. Incidence and management of Lyme disease: a Scottish general practice retrospective study. BJGP Open 2024; 8 (3)
NHS Inform. Tick bites.
NICE. Lyme disease. [NG95] 2018.
NICE. Lyme disease. [QS186] 2019.
Rebman AW, Aucott JN. Post-treatment Lyme Disease as a Model for Persistent Symptoms in Lyme Disease. Front Med (Lausanne). 2020 Feb 25;7:57
UK Health Security Agency. Lyme disease: resources and guidance. 2014 (updated 2022).
UK Health Security Agency. Tips and tricks to stay safe from ticks. 2014.
Antibiotic treatment
Risk of PTLD in ideally treated early LD
Antibiotic Retreatment in LD - Review
Borrelia persistence following antibiotics