Enrolment options

Date of publication:
December 2015 - Present

Meaningful learning which provides deep understanding of a topic is difficult to achieve in modern general practice. While we used to be able to utilise the lunch or coffee break or a rare CPD session for some uninterrupted learning, the current reality of time between patients is more likely one of getting to grips with hundreds of unanswered emails, urgent referrals, checking of results and DES and NIS audits. So a major challenge for general practitioners remains to find time to stay up to date when their temporal resources are severely limited. For those weeks when you’re not able to sit down and do a full RCGP e-learning module on its own, the Online Learning Environment Team has devised a 5 minute, bite sized presentation that will take a current topic – often debated in the popular press and therefore familiar to patients – and give you just one or two ideas how to change your practice and improve patient outcomes.

This resource is developed by the RCGP eLearning department.

RCGP LearningGold orb and banner with text reading: 2023 Memcom Excellent Awards - Shortlisted

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