RCGP Safeguarding toolkit
The aim of this toolkit is to enhance the safeguarding knowledge and skills that GPs already have to enable them to continue to effectively safeguard children and young people, as well as adults at risk of harm.
Part 5: Information Sharing and multiagency working
When should we share information?
There are two broad safeguarding-specific scenarios in general practice which will prompt consideration of sharing information:
When we in general practice have a concern that a child or adult, has experienced, or is at risk of experiencing, abuse or neglect e.g. seeking advice from a safeguarding professional or making a safeguarding referral.
When other professionals or agencies, such as a health visitor or social care, have a safeguarding concern about an adult or child, they share that concern with general practice, and request information from general practice as part of the safeguarding process, e.g. social care request a report for a child protection conference.
There are other scenarios where information sharing is also needed within the broad scope of safeguarding, for example:
- court orders, such as requests for medical records as part of a family court process
- requests for completion of medicals and forms for prospective foster carers/adoptive parents
- requests for information as part of the health assessments for Looked After Children.