RCGP Safeguarding toolkit
The aim of this toolkit is to enhance the safeguarding knowledge and skills that GPs already have to enable them to continue to effectively safeguard children and young people, as well as adults at risk of harm.
Part 2A: Identification of abuse and neglect
Working with families affected by child sexual abuse
The Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse has produced a guide about working with families where sexual abuse has already been reported or concerns have already been raised. This guidance outlines that parents also need support, because discovering that their child may have been sexually abused is one of the most devastating events a parent can experience. They are likely to be overwhelmed by shock, anger, confusion and disbelief. They may find it particularly difficult to come to terms with what has happened if the abuse was carried out by their partner or another of their children. If they have other pre-existing vulnerabilities (resulting from domestic abuse, disabilities, mental ill health or substance misuse, for example), their health and wellbeing may suffer further.
Support can help parents to mitigate the abuse’s impact on their child, helps engagement with services and helps parents to protect their child from further abuse. There can be a significant impact on parents’ mental and physical health and their relationships and they will need long term support.