RCGP Safeguarding toolkit
The aim of this toolkit is to enhance the safeguarding knowledge and skills that GPs already have to enable them to continue to effectively safeguard children and young people, as well as adults at risk of harm.
Part 3C: Responding to concerns about adult abuse
‘Making safeguarding personal’
Making Safeguarding Personal is an approach to adult safeguarding than ensures the focus is on meaningful improvement to an adult’s life. It sits within the Department of Health’s Care and Support Statutory Guidance. It means safeguarding adults:
- is person-led
- is outcome-focused
- engages the person and enhances involvement, choice and control
- improves quality of life, wellbeing and safety.
Safeguarding should be done with patients, not to them. However, patients are likely to be unfamiliar with safeguarding processes. Therefore, you will need to explain what the process is, who will be given information and what information that will be. When an adult safeguarding process starts, there may be several new professionals who want to speak to the patient. This can be very daunting and frightening for patients so informing them of who the professionals may be can be very helpful.
There are six core adult safeguarding principles outlined in The Care Act (England) and the table below outlines what these are and what how they should be experienced by the adults they affect
– the ‘I’ statements: