RCGP Safeguarding toolkit
The aim of this toolkit is to enhance the safeguarding knowledge and skills that GPs already have to enable them to continue to effectively safeguard children and young people, as well as adults at risk of harm.
Part 3C: Responding to concerns about adult abuse
2. The views of the adult
The views and wishes of the adult are essential to any adult safeguarding process which should be transparent and collaborative. The adult should be asked:
- What are their views on what is happening in their life?
- What changes would they like to see?
- What would make a difference to their situation?
- Who would they like to support them?
- What would they like you to support them with?
If the adult is unable to express their views, e.g. due to severe dementia or profound learning disability, then the views of another appropriate person should be sought. The ‘appropriate person’ will vary depending on the situation but may be family, carers, Power of Attorney or an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA).