RCGP Safeguarding toolkit
The aim of this toolkit is to enhance the safeguarding knowledge and skills that GPs already have to enable them to continue to effectively safeguard children and young people, as well as adults at risk of harm.
Part 5: Information Sharing and multiagency working
Why do we need to share information?
Organisations need to share information with the right people at the right time for safeguarding purposes to:
- prevent abuse and neglect including serious harm and death
- co-ordinate effective and efficient responses to stop abuse and neglect
- enable early interventions to prevent the escalation of risk
- reveal patterns of abuse that were previously unrecognised and that could identify others at risk of abuse
- identify low-level concerns that may reveal people at risk of abuse
- help people to access the right kind of support to reduce risk and promote wellbeing
- help identify people who may pose a risk to others and, where possible, work to reduce offending behaviour
- reduce organisational risk and protect reputation.