Safeguarding Hub
Welcome to the RCGP Safeguarding Hub. Here you will find a multitude of resources focused on safeguarding in general practice. The new RCGP Safeguarding Standards are at the heart of the hub, and a 15 minute podcast offers an overview of these standards, the intentions behind them, and how they can be implemented in general practice.
The safeguarding hub has a variety of materials to help support you in adopting these standards and developing your practice. The RCGP Safeguarding toolkit is a comprehensive document which can be dipped into when you are looking for specific information, and the easy access to ‘Key questions in safeguarding’ section is designed to facilitate this. The toolkit also provides a useful structure to systematically develop your professional knowledge and skills in the area of safeguarding. Two structured templates are provided to help you demonstrate reflective practice, and are particularly helpful in the context of appraisal and revalidation. Finally, there are three eLearning modules. These three modules form the ‘Core safeguarding in general practice (Level 3)’ course and are built around the five key areas of safeguarding knowledge and capabilities as set out in the RCGP Safeguarding Standards. These are designed to equip you with the core understanding of these five areas of safeguarding knowledge and capabilities that you need to safeguard children and adults effectively.