Course: Health Inequalities Hub | RCGP Learning
Conferences and webinars
Inequalities abound across every aspect of society from income and employment to education and health. Primary care is no different, with inequalities in access and experience contributing to inequalities in health outcomes. We’ve known about many of these inequalities for decades. What can primary care contribute to a fairer society? What does good look like? And how do we get there?
Developed in conjunction with the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS), the Personalised Care Institute (PCI) is pleased to host the Money Talk Toolkit – created to equip health and care professionals to use personalised care approaches to identify, understand, support, and refer people with money-related health issues, in order to achieve the outcomes that most matter to them.
Additional learning resources
This framework signposts to external (non-RCGP) resources. While these are considered relevant to the extended role by the framework authors, their reference within the framework does not amount to an endorsement by the RCGP.
Increasing uptake of vaccinations for vulnerable groups of patients.