Resources for the community pharmacy setting

We have grouped all of the TARGET resources that are to be used in the community pharmacy setting in one place to make it easier for you to find them all.
Version 1.0, August 2022.
RTI leaflet for community pharmacies
The Treating Your Infection Respiratory Tract Infection (TYI-RTI) Pharmacy leaflet has been designed to be used with patients who are experiencing self limiting RTIs. This leaflet supports implementation of recommendations in the NICE guidelines on processes for antimicrobial stewardship, behaviour change for antimicrobial stewardship and antibiotic prescribing for respiratory tract infections.
Patient Information Leaflets for Community Pharmacy
RTI leaflet
- RTI leaflet for community pharmacies – V9.8 (DOCX file, 91 KB)
- RTI leaflet for community pharmacies – V9.8 (PDF file, 170 KB)
- RTI leaflet for community pharmacies fully referenced V1 (PDF file, 274 KB)
RTI leaflet (Welsh) – Version 9.7
- RTI leaflet for community pharmacies (English for those living in Wales) V9.8 (PDF file, 139 KB)
- RTI leaflet for community pharmacies (Welsh for those living in Wales) V9.8 (PDF file, 216 KB)
- RTI leaflet for community pharmacies (Welsh for those living in England) V9.8 (PDF file, 211 KB)
Caring for children with coughs leaflet
This leaflet was not developed by TARGET/UKHSA but may be useful to share in community pharmacy settings. The Caring for children with coughs leaflet was co-created by a diverse group of parents and University of Bristol researchers. It contains information addressing the four most common parental concerns for children with RTI with cough and safety-netting advice based on NICE guidelines. It was validated as part of a trial to improve prescribing for cough in children.