Urinary tract infection resource suite
This section of the TARGET Toolkit has been designed to support the Government’s ambition to halve inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics to help facilitate the NHS Quality Premium targets related to reducing gram-negative bloodstream infections (GNBSIs) and inappropriate antibiotic prescribing in at risk groups.
We have grouped all of the TARGET resources focussing on Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) in one place to make it easier for you to find them all.
Version 1.0, November 2021.
Patient facing materials
Treating your infection - URINARY TRACT INFECTION (TYI-UTI) leaflet for women under 65 years
The TYI-UTI patient Information leaflet has been designed to be used with women who are experiencing urinary symptoms suggesting non complicated UTIs.
This leaflet supports implementation of recommendations in the NICE guidelines on processes for antimicrobial stewardship and behaviour change for antimicrobial stewardship.
- TYI-UTI leaflet V23.5 (HTML)
- TYI-UTI leaflet V23.5 (Word)
- TYI-UTI leaflet V23.5 (PDF)
- TYI-UTI leaflet V23.5 (fully referenced) (PDF)
- TYI-UTI Leaflet User Guide V3 (Word)
- TYI-UTI leaflet SystmOne upload instructions (PDF)
TYI-UTI leaflet leaflet (Welsh)
- TYI-UTI leaflet (English for those living in Wales) V23.6 (PDF)
- TYI-UTI leaflet (Welsh for those living in Wales) V23.6 (PDF)
- TYI-UTI leaflet (Welsh for those living in England) V23.6 (PDF)
Treating Your Infection UTI leaflet FOR OLDER ADULTS and those who care for them
The leaflet can be used either to provide information on UTIs to those at risk or care staff may wish to share this leaflet with older adults in their care and/or their relatives. The leaflet may also be used during primary care consultations to facilitate dialogue between a patient and their healthcare professional on specific topics like treatment or safety netting. We would recommend that the leaflet is used as a tool to interact with patients, rather than as a ‘parting gift’.
- TYI – UTI older adults leaflet V2.4 (HTML)
- TYI – UTI older adults leaflet V2.4 (Word)
- TYI – UTI older adults leaflet V2.4 (PDF)
- TYI – UTI older adults leaflet V2.4 (fully referenced)
- TYI – UTI older adults leaflet user guide V2.3
TYI-UTI for older adults leaflet (Welsh)
- TYI-UTI older adults leaflet (English for those living in Wales) V2.5 (PDF)
- TYI-UTI older adults leaflet (Welsh for those living in Wales) V2.5 (PDF)
- TYI-UTI older adults leaflet (Welsh for those living in England) V2.5 (PDF)
Urinary tract Infection leaflet combined for adults
This leaflet contains information from our TYI-UTI leaflet for women under 65 years and UTI leaflet for older adults in an easily accessible booklet style format with icons and images. This leaflet has been designed for use in the primary care setting, including general practice, community pharmacy and for use by carers and in care homes. It is suitable for consultations to facilitate dialogue between a patient or their carer and their healthcare professional on specific topics related to managing their UTI.
- TYI – UTI leaflet combined for adults V1.1 (HTML)
- TYI – UTI leaflet combined for adults V1.1 (Word)
- TYI – UTI leaflet combined for adults V1.1 (PDF)
- TYI – UTI leaflet combined for adults user guide V1
UTI leaflet combined for adults (Welsh)
- TYI-UTI combined for adults (English for those living in Wales) V1.2 (PDF)
- TYI-UTI combined for adults (Welsh for those living in Wales) V1.2 (PDF)
- TYI-UTI older adults leaflet (Welsh for those living in England) V1.2 (PDF)