Adult safeguarding toolkit

Practice resources

Primary care is a key player in safeguarding adults at risk of harm. All practices should have a clinical lead for adult safeguarding. This could be a practice nurse of GP. Their role is to embed safeguarding culture within the practice and they should be supported by the practice team in doing so.

Sample practice policy for safeguarding adults at risk of harm

A sample policy for the practice to use is included below:

Adult Safeguarding: Roles and Competencies for Health Care Staff

Processing and storing of safeguarding information in primary care

Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)

This guidance aims to clarify the role of GPs in relation to their local MARAC to support patients experiencing domestic abuse

Online Learning

This group learning session is aimed at all members of the practice team, and covers the objectives up to Level 3. Core information is delivered through a presentation, which includes interactivity and group discussion. Completing these sessions and following the reflective practice prompts will enable all competency criteria for Level 3 safeguarding to be met.

Training Video

Traditionally, it may be thought that safeguarding in primary care is only the responsibility of GPs and nursing staff, but patients can only be effectively safeguarded if all members of the primary care team work together. In this short film, members of the team at The Spa Surgery in Harrogate talk about the vital role they play and how they work collaboratively to safeguard their patients.