Patient safety toolkit

Prescribing Safety Indicators

A list of Prescribing Safety Indicators

Prescribing Safety Indicators describe scenarios in which there is potentially inappropriate (and unsafe) prescribing. A set of these indicators has been developed for use in general practices following a project commissioned by the RCGP. Your practice may now use these indicators to develop your own computer searches to identify patients at risk. The most up-to-date list of these indicators can be found on the BJGP website.

A tool to identify patients with potentially unsafe prescribing and monitoring

This tool is a set of automated indicators developed to assess prescribing safety. It is based on the prescribing safety indicators used in the PINCER trial. This trial showed an improvement in prescribing safety when pharmacists worked with GPs using the indicators. The package uses CHART (Care and Health Analysis in Real Time) software to extract data about those patients who may be at risk of medication-related injury.