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Consulting in General Practice
eLearning Courses (Modules, Podcasts and Screencasts):
- Annual Review of Competence Progression
- Behaviour change and cancer prevention
- Best practice for remote working and virtual patient care in general practice
- Beyond the GP: a team approach to patient care
- Early diagnosis of cancer in young adults
- Essentials of smoking cessation
- Health Inequalities
- Point of Care Testing
- Professional virtues in modern medicine
- Providing primary care to police officers
- Screening for Alcohol Use Disorders
- Updates to the GMC's Good Medical Practice
- EKU2017.2: Multimorbidity: clinical assessment and management
- EKU16: Identification, assessment and management of overweight and obesity in children, young people adults
- EKU Hot Topic: Trends in full-time working in general practice
- EKU Hot Topic: Diagnostic windows in non-neoplastic diseases
- EKU Hot Topic: Continuity of care and mortality for patients with chronic disease
- EKU Hot Topic: Identifying how GPs spend their time and the obstacles they face
- EKU Hot Topic: Continuity in general practice as predictor of mortality, acute hospitalisation, and use of out-of-hours care
- EKU Hot Topic: Factors affecting the documentation of spoken safety-netting advice in routine GP consultations
- EKU Hot Topic: Factors associated with potentially missed acute deterioration in primary care
- EKU Hot Topic: Primary care practitioner empathy and risk of cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality among patients with type 2 diabetes
- EKU Hot Topic: Continuity of care and referral rate: challenges for the future of health care
- EKU Hot Topic: Weight loss as a predictor of cancer in primary care
- EKU Hot Topic: Brief intervention targeting predominantly non-verbal communication in GP consultations
- EKU Hot Topic: Physician associates and GPs in primary care
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
eLearning Courses (Modules, Podcasts and Screencasts):
- Allyship
- An introduction to inclusion health
- Inequality in healthcare of provision: the current state of LGBTQ+ health
- Creating an inclusive primary care environment
- Ethical Guidance on COVID-19 and Primary Care
- Gender bias in pain
- Gender Variance
- LGBT podcasts
- Reducing health inequalities in primary care
- Reducing Health Inequalities 10 in 10
- Using language that is inclusive of the LGBTQ+ population
- Veterans' Health
Evidence Based Practice, Research and Sharing Knowledge
eLearning Courses (Modules, Podcasts and Screencasts):
- Annual Review of Competence Progression – Introduction & Refresher
- Cancer detection in primary care
- Critical Appraisal
- Early diagnosis of cancer in young adults
- Introduction to sustainable healthcare
- Research and Surveillance in Primary Care
- Research Ready
- Understanding non-clinical carbon and general practice
Improving Quality, Safety and Prescribing
eLearning Courses (Modules, Podcasts and Screencasts):
- Annual Review of Competence Progression – Introduction & Refresher
- Core Skills in Musculoskeletal Care
- Multimorbidity
- Overdiagnosis
- Overprescribing
- Patient Safety and Quality Improvement in Primary Care
- Point of Care Testing
- Prescribing in General Practice
- Prescribing Safety
- Quality Improvement
- Quality Improvement: Screencasts
- Secure Environments
- Social Prescribing and Community Development
- EKU2018.2: Long term hormonal treatment for transgender people
- EKU2017.2: Appropriate opioid use in chronic pain management
- EKU17: Systems and processes for effective antimicrobial medicine use
- EKU15: Diagnosis and management of drug allergy in adults, children and young people
- EKU Hot Topic: Unintended consequences of patient online access to health records
- EKU Hot Topic: Safety netting in routine primary care consultations
- EKU Hot Topic: Risks and benefits of direct oral anticoagulants versus warfarin in a real-world setting
- EKU Podcast: Appropriate opioid use in chronic pain management
Leadership and Management
eLearning Courses (Modules, Podcasts and Screencasts):
Last modified: Thursday, 13 February 2025, 10:09 AM